Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Eggs and Omelets
By the way, I started in the book I own from where I ended in the book I borrowed. It was in the middle of the egg chapter.
About the eggs, I'm surprised that Julie had a lot to say about them. I couldn't even say that much because I don't like them. I actually know a lot of people who don't like eggs. Some of them don't like them cooked a certain way liked scrambled or omelet, and some don't like the taste of them.
I once ordered a taco skillet at a small restaurant and I thought it was going to be meat and cheese and all the other taco fixings, but there was a scrambled egg on top. I know that the menu listed eggs in it, but I thought they would be on the side with my pancakes. I just ate the eggs anyway.
It's not that I don't like them, but I don't prefer them. I'll eat them scrambled. Sometimes I like eggs, and sometimes I don't.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Julie's Back!
And now that I had a chance to own it, I quickly got Julie's book and an Indiana Jones book for my brother. And now that I have it back, I am so going to continue from where I left off. I have it written down somewhere.
And what's cool about this book is that it's more modern-looking. Before it was just the cover with the egg beater tipped over, but now this is like a movie poster looking thing. It'd be easier to imagine Amy Adams being Julie.
I would also like to apologize for the gap in my posts. I know that were about three days apart, but this was a week of no Julie & Julia or Just Like Julia Child.
I still promise to keep posting JLJC updates, but now that I got the book back, there will be more about Julie.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Who could be Howard Gold?
After having written enough scenes, I was seeing Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Gold. And Clive Owen as restaurateur Nathan Billiam.
The thing with Leonardo DiCaprio is that he plays characters that are going through struggles. I've seen part of Revolutionary Road and I know that that's about a married couple going through problems in their lives. And with Howard, he's struggling to earn a promotion. He has a degree in Photography and works part-time in a camera store with a photography studio upstairs. And he really wants to be a photographer. But as he works for the promotion, he learns more about cooking and eventually becomes talented and gets the job offer for Nathan's restaurant.
That's when Howard begins to think about his future. He only started the cooking thing because Joanne wanted meals to be ready when she gets home from work. Should Howard do what he cares about and is excited to do, like being a photographer? Or should he accept a great job and a start at a position in a new field where he skipped the first few entry-level positions? He would most likely be a busboy, then a host(ess), then a waiter, then head chef. But Nathan wants him to skip all that and be the head chef.
Howard was really working hard to be a photographer, but he never wanted to be a professional chef in the first place.
Because of this big decision, is why I see Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Gold. And I see Clive Owen as Nathan Billiam because Clive has some sort of ability to play the owner of a very classy restaurant or big business.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I just got an idea.
As a writer, you want the first 20-30 minutes to be about the characters and get to know them. And that's what I've done so far. Howard Gold works in a camera store under a photography studio and is working hard for a promotion. And the other people, like costars, are basically known for what they do. Joanne Gold just got a promotion and is working as an assistant to newspaper editor-in-chief Andrew Harding. Howard's friend, Ben Birch, likes to hang out with Howard and is sarcastic and a joker. After Joanne lets Howard know that she prefers home-cooked dinners, Howard buys as much as he can from Jewel Osco. And stock boy, Daniel Castro, befriends Howard and tells him stuff about cooking. Daniel is a culinary student at the French Pastry School in Chicago (which I already researched) and helps Howard out. One of Joanne's friends, Nathan Billiam, is a restaurateur in a classy - but fictional - restaurant in Chicago that was left to him by his father. More of Nathan will be explained later.
Now that the characters are known the plot can start.
And as I think more of what's going to happen, Howard is going to be a Julia Child follower as is Julie. He's not exactly like me, as I'm a Julie follower, but he cooks Julia Child meals for dinners and an upcoming dinner party that Joanne wants to host.
And my idea is that I think I want to dedicate my film - when it's ALL finished being written - to Julie. This sounds like something she would enjoy seeing (hypothetically) and can tell that someone - meaning me - had the knowledge to write something for her, like she writes for Julia.
I do plan to mention Julie once or twice about her blog, but it's basically about Howard cooking meals from a Julia Child cookbook. Not someone who dedicates things to Julia.
I'll post updates on JLJC. I just hope I can at least finish my book eventually.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Problem with the book
If I want, I could attempt to finish the 200-something pages when I was only on page 58 within 3 days, and though that's not something I can do, I had to return it and request it on hold. And I have to look at the next 1 or 2 months before I get it back. If there's three copies and six people want it, then I'll get back by the time I already saw the film.
So to my readers (if any I hope), don't expect to see any posts about my responses to what I read.
But on the bright side, I will post some stuff about my film, Just Like Julia Child, but not as many as I would about the book.
If possibly, I could find my new library and cross my fingers that they have it, but I don't want to risk going there (even though I have no idea where I'd be going) and finding out it's not there.
Also, I hope that at least one of these six people are doing what I'm doing. Julie is following Julia's footsteps, and I'm following Julie's -- in a way. I wonder if any of the other people are reading for just because or for meaning. Me = meaning.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Beffmarrow is something I don't want to think about.
I often see pink flesh-y stuff on chicken so I don't eat that, but I never saw it on beef. But she was saying how she hated cookingh with the bone marrow and it looked like s***.
There was especially this one part she said that I wanted to get sick as Julie was. Apparently, this German guy cut off his friend's penis and cooked it, and even fed it to him. I actually clenched up my legs thinking about that. I have never heard of something like that before.
I just hope later in the book, Julie is going to talk about more pleasant and non-gaggy things to visualize.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Just Like Julia Child
Yesterday I started working on a new film. I had just finished My Fair Sadie, and began to work on Just Like Julia Child. I'm actually working on it this minute, and just finished the first scene where we find out that Howard Gold works in a camera store and wanting to earn a promotion to work in the photography studio. I'm not at the point where the plot starts just yet. Not even close enough to it.
I'm also still reading the second chapter of Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes in one Tiny Apartment Kitchen. I'm really excited for this book and I actually have to renew it soon.
I also plan to be working on Just Like Julia Child at the same time I read the book.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
For Julie
Recently, I got a book from my non-local library which is in the town I used to live in after having moved nearly two months ago. This summer I'm excited for the Meryl Streep/Amy Adams movie Julie & Julia. So the book I got is Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes in one Tiny Apartment Kitchen by Julie Powell. I already read the first chapter whereas Julie basically introduced herself and her husband. When her husband, Eric, said she should write a blog, I read that Julie didn't know what a blog is. And neither did I until today.
To me, I think the book is going to be about how Julie managed her marriage by cooking from Julia Child's book Mastering the Art if French Cooking. I like cooking sometimes, but only for leisure. I'm avoiding restaurant jobs. And when I cook, people rave about what I make and I don't want them to. Basically what I did was just put a whole bunch of ingredients together. Everyone else does that.
I'm kind of excited to see what Julie has to say in her book. I only got the introduction and how she found out what a blog was. And that inspired me to start this one, as I just learned what a blog was. And every keeps saying "You should start a blog" and I'm like "OK" even though I have no idea what they're talking about. I just know Academy Award winner Diablo Cody wrote one before Juno.
As I write this blog some more, I'm going to explain what I read and how I felt of each chapter in Julie's book. (Julie, if you're reading this, then a big thank you for you.) Think of it as the Cary/Julie project. Writing and comparing (or contrasting) our thoughts and opinions. I even wrote a pitch to a film I might end up writing soon.
It's actually called Just Like Julia Child. It's about this man named Howard Gold. Howard is like Mr. Mom. His wife, Joanne works as a journalist, and he just has a part-time job in a camera store (not to be confused with working in Photography). Joanne gets promoted to where she works longer hours, and prefers that Howard has dinner already made when she gets home. When Joanne shows him the cookbooks, he finds one of Julia Child's. He begins to make Julia's meals every day when Joanne comes home and she begins raving about it. When Joane decides to have a dinner party, she asks if Howard could make a few of Julia's dishes to serve at the dinner party. One of the guests is Joanne's friend, Nathan Billiam. Nathan is a restaurateur and is crazy about Howard's cooking that he asks if Howard would be the head chef. Howard decides to do it, and brings in much more money to support Joanne.
As it's only a pitch, that's about as much details as I can give. As I write films, more, I begin to imagine who'd be good for these parts, so I can give them to my mentor for ideas of who to cast. (See my "Introduction" post.)
And if Just Like Julia Child was written, filmed, produced, etc., it might sound something that Julie Powell would enjoy. Julie might even enjoy my future blog posts about what I have to say about her book.
I'm eager to be 25 because that's the youngest I want to be married. I wouldn't mind getting married at 27 or 28, but just as long as I'm older than 25. And every time I see a man with a daughter, I feel like I'm never going to have that. I see myself married to a woman and raising two girls.
As of my life now, I don't go to school, and am looking for the perfect job. And I'm not giving up. I'm a writer by leisure, and am looking to work in something like fashion or clothes. I love to watch movies and write them as well. Recently I just finished a romantic comedy called My Fair Sadie, in reference to My Fair Lady. It's about an actor, Academy Award nominee Benjamin Potter, who gets a role in a movie whereas the director wants him to be married, and he meets a woman named Sadie and tries to keep it from her that he's only marrying her for a role in a movie.
It's very funny and only written. So don't expect it to be in theaters anytime soon. And I can't help but imagine seeing Hugh Jackman as Benjamin Potter. Probably because every girl wants to marry Hugh Jackman.
Anyways, the whole point of this blog begins in the next post. That's when I get into more specific details about why I started this.