Yesterday, I went to my old local library to renew the book because it was going to be due next week sometime. And the librarian said six other people requested it on hold. And that there are also three other copies. It was so unfair because other people want to read the book just because Julie & Julia is coming out this summer. And I was excited to be finished with the book before it's release in August.
If I want, I could attempt to finish the 200-something pages when I was only on page 58 within 3 days, and though that's not something I can do, I had to return it and request it on hold. And I have to look at the next 1 or 2 months before I get it back. If there's three copies and six people want it, then I'll get back by the time I already saw the film.
So to my readers (if any I hope), don't expect to see any posts about my responses to what I read.
But on the bright side, I will post some stuff about my film, Just Like Julia Child, but not as many as I would about the book.
If possibly, I could find my new library and cross my fingers that they have it, but I don't want to risk going there (even though I have no idea where I'd be going) and finding out it's not there.
Also, I hope that at least one of these six people are doing what I'm doing. Julie is following Julia's footsteps, and I'm following Julie's -- in a way. I wonder if any of the other people are reading for just because or for meaning. Me = meaning.
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