Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Please help me, Julie.

I have no idea how to get Julie to read my blog. Without, I wouldn't even have started this. At first the title of the whole thing was called "Unfortunately 21" but I changed it as a way to get Julie to notice me. (Also I wasn't liking that title.)

I commented a couple of hers. And her post about someone having had a good idea, I thought that was about me when it wasn't, I regretted getting my hopes up. Sometimes I even think about closing my blog and ending it because I don't get many comments (more like any comments) and I don't think people are reading it.

This is the only thing I can do to get Julie to read my blog and see how her book told me to start a blog of my own and explain my reactions and feelings toward the book.

I wouldn't mind if anyone else decides to read it or leave a comment. As long as one of them is Julie admiring my words and feeling about Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes in One Tiny Apartment Kitchen. She is a big impact on my life and someone I can kind of relate to based on what she wrote.

Julie, it would make my day if you would see what I had to say about you. I said lots of good stuff that you're really going to like. And of course the title of my blog refers to you because I can't think of another Julie I know personally or met briefly.

I would really appreciate this if you read my blog.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A side of me no one has ever seen

I went to a party of a woman who my brother and sister-in-law rented a house from. And I've been 21 for a little over two months now. I remember last summer, I had two margaritas and my incredible and funny sister-in-law claimed I was drunk after tripping on the sidewalk.

But today I went to the party and kind of treated myself to a strawberry margarita. It was tasty and tangy and I kind of limited myself to one. But I couldn't resist getting another glass. So that was two. And after a while, I was holding the urge to get another one. Later, my sister-in-law, Gina, offered me to taste a wine cooler. And it was a berry one. I kept taking tastes of Gina's wine cooler and it was sweeter than the margarita.

Obviously I didn't even get drunk. I didn't drink enough. Just three small glasses of a strawberry margarita and half a bottle of a wine cooler. I got so into the drinking alcohol and I wish I want to do it again, but I also kind of want to stay the same kind of person who doesn't drink even after the age of 21.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Who finished the tea?

So earlier this week I made some iced tea. Organic Apple. It was really sweet (because I sweeten my tea) and tasty.So this morning after cleaning the house, I get a glass of iced tea. And I'm going to get another glass when I see that the pitcher is empty and sitting by the sink.

I know I didn't take the rest of the iced tea, my mom said she didn't finish it either, my dad doesn't like flavorful tea (iced or hot), and obviously my dog couldn't have finished it.

Even though it doesn't even mean anything as to who finished the iced tea, it's still kind of fun to think of it like a mystery that we have to figure out.

However, I know who really finished it, but my lips are sealed.

Do you think it evaporated?.......

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Don't peple care?

Since I started this blog, I felt like people don't even care about how Julie inspired me to start this. Julie gets comments on her blog, but I don't even think no one is reading mine because the number of views I get increases by only one. I think I am that one.

I've had a lot to say. And I'm starting a chain here. Julie cooked her way through Julia Child's book, and I'm doing something that I like for once and thought Julie or others would notice. Julie got publicity and I get nothing.

Last night I went to bed thinking "why doesn't anyone care about me?" or "what have I done deserve nothing?". Sometimes I feel like closing my account and wishing I haven't read the book or saw the movie. I feel that all this was meant for nothing if no one is even glancing at it.

And if I can't even find the right kind of job for me, then I feel like I should look for entry-level jobs.

I was also working very hard to finish the book before I saw the movie on Saturday. I was not eating breakfast, I skipped dinner on Friday, and around Friday night, I found myself waking up with the book resting open on my chest and finished it on Saturday. I even listed all the people who inspired me to start this blog and Julie wasn't even the only one. And even some of the people I thanked, aren't even reading it.

Please let there be at least a few comments on each post. I want at least two or three people to care about me.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Special Thanks

Now that I'm done with the book - finally - I'd like to list some people who understood what I was going through while reading it and writing this blog.

My mentor John Condne - even though John is often sarcastic and spontaneously jokey, he still helpful and willing to read any film I write and gives me new ideas for plot points. As I write Just Like Julia Child, I know he may come to eventually like it after we discuss it and see what should be changed - if anything.

My mom, Paula - Out of family members, she was the only one who knew how much I had to finish it within the last three days. My brother said "You don't have to rush through it" and my sister-in-law said to see the movie in between reading the book. My dad, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. But my mom was the only one who knew that I had to finish the book in limited time before the release of the movie.

Julia Child - Without Julia, Julie wouldn't have known what she wanted to do for something she has passion for. And I would come up with a great new film to write as I don't have many ideas or have two many ideas and one to settle down with.

Rebecca - if I could remember her last name, but after meeting her recently, we have lots of favorite movies in common and is excited as I am to see Julie & Julia. After I lend the book to my mom, then Rebecca is next and eager to read it to.

And of course Julie Powell - Julie, if it weren't for you, I'd be cooped up in the house looking for jobs that don't mean anything to me and would be miserable to no end. Reading your book and writing this blog are things that I'm very proud of and confident for. Julie is inspiring me to maybe write my own book, and after she didn't know what a blog was, she gave me the idea to start one myself. I hope she eventually has time to read mine as I'm dedicating it to her.

And I'd also like to thank Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be excited as I am now to see Julie & Julia later this afternoon. I hope they give very good performances and maybe earn an Oscar nomination or so. This should be an Oscar catching movie.

If Meryl and Amy worked well together in Doubt, which I still have to see, then they should work even well together even if they don't have any of them same scenes.

Julie, someday, my blog will eventually be read by you. Maybe if I'm successful with it, Just Like Julia Child will be finished, rewritten if it needs to, filmed and produced and could be very popular.

For my soon-to-be readers, you haven't seen (or read) the last of me. I'll still be around posting posts and writing JLJC.

And once again, congratulations to Julie for the book and getting to see Amy Adams be you.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Julie's Crepe's of Wrath

Poor Julie can't make crepes. I thought they would be easy because they're just a dessert dish. But apparently they burn as to what happened with Julie. Crepe after crepe after crepe. I myself am not into burned, blackened desserts either.

Then again, I'm not much of a baker. I just cook. I can always get a grilled cheese sandwich nice and golden but I can't make riceroni without blackening it or covering the stove area with steam.

According to Julie, crepes are not that easy to make. But she was proud of herself when she finally made herself a golden crepe.

I'm sure they're are many things Julie has trouble starting out with herself that she needs to work on it a few more times. But you know, mistakes happen. I know I HATE them, but they do happen to me to. Like burning riceroni.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just Like Julie

In a way I'm reminded of Julie with the same kind of problem she was having. She was worried that she wouldn't finish Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year. And I'm around page 133-136 out of the 200-something pages, and I'm planning to see Julie & Julia this weekend. For as long as I can remember, I've always seen movies on their opening weekend. Usually that Saturday or something. And I worry that I won't be done with the book before I see it. I am totally seeing Julie & Julia this weekend. If there wasn't that gap between having to return the book and then getting it back, I'd be a little bit farther into it and could finish it in time to even read the "conversation with Julie Powell" and answer the discussion questions. When it's time I'm going to answer the discussion questions in a later post.

I promised my mom I would lend it to her, but she's not in that much of hurry. And there's someone I also know that's next in line. And I know that she's not in a hurry either. Besides, when I am done with it, hopefully by Friday, the film version would already have been released. Although my friend did seem in kind of a hurry to read it because she didn't know that my mom was after me.

Julie, even if I stop my other daily routines, I will read lots more a day. I've been reading three to five pages a day. I actually didn't eat lunch today so I can read it, and probably won't have much of a dinner this week or something. I am promising to myself that I will be done by Friday.

I may even have to put a hold on Just Like Julia Child.