Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Can't give up.

After losing my USB plug-in, I was ready to give up on writing. Not because of that but also because I kept getting an overload of ideas in my head and it was too much. I felt like never getting my USB back kind of helped with the not wanting to write.

And I was doing well for a week with the giving up, but I kept getting an idea. Just like I did before. I got a new USB but didn't try it yet. Nothing's on it so far.

For some reason, I just have to write. So I'm going to give that another try but I will also try my plan to open up a shelter for unwanted pets and animals. I already had plans for that and was focusing on trying to achieve it, but for some reason, I just had the idea to write My Mysterious Man.

I know I wrote LOTS of things through the past year and a half, but some of my feature films meant more to me.

I'll explain in a future post what My Mysterious Man is. I was just explaining this one about how it's hard to give up on what I love doing. It's like smoking, you know, it's hard to quit. I don't smoke and never have, but I hear people explain how it's hard to quit because it's addictive. Well, I know I love writing and have a passion for it. And that's why it's too hard to not do anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Very good, I'm glad to hear you are working on lots of other things. That's really the best way you know, when I concentrate to much on one thing I go mad. This is why many artists are notorious for unfinished projects- just let yourself go, write what you want and when you feel like it, it feels good to just let go. Now, if only I could take my own advice : )
