Thursday, September 3, 2009

Any promotional ideas?

Lately, I've been thinking of ways to promote this until Julie sees it.

I posted it a few times as my status on Facebook and wrote a note about it and tagged people. But a friend of my dad's from last night, suggested I make a page about it. I'm already a fan of several things so far? So last night I made a page for it and got some people already a fan of it.

And I started a Twitter account and posted it there. And the only one I know personally on Twitter is Calvin.

But Facebook and Twitter are the only things I can think of and I don't think Julie has one. I don't do My Space or Google or any other thing like that.

But just this second, I set it as my signature that shows up whenever I make a post on an IMDb message board.

So if anyone has any promotional ideas on how to promote my blog, please let me know. People even found Julie's when she first started but not mine. After all, my blog is based on a book that's based on another book. I'm creating a chain.

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH Julie from Julie & Julia? I loved that movie! I think you were right on with the page idea.. that's how I did mine anyway. By the way, if you get a chance to look at my page, can you tell me how to put the link on it (I mean I have it under website, but you would have to go to info to see it). Anyway- gotta run to class.. I have had an insane morning! One of those when you wake up and don't know where you are or what time it is.. yea :)
