Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Please help me, Julie.

I have no idea how to get Julie to read my blog. Without, I wouldn't even have started this. At first the title of the whole thing was called "Unfortunately 21" but I changed it as a way to get Julie to notice me. (Also I wasn't liking that title.)

I commented a couple of hers. And her post about someone having had a good idea, I thought that was about me when it wasn't, I regretted getting my hopes up. Sometimes I even think about closing my blog and ending it because I don't get many comments (more like any comments) and I don't think people are reading it.

This is the only thing I can do to get Julie to read my blog and see how her book told me to start a blog of my own and explain my reactions and feelings toward the book.

I wouldn't mind if anyone else decides to read it or leave a comment. As long as one of them is Julie admiring my words and feeling about Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes in One Tiny Apartment Kitchen. She is a big impact on my life and someone I can kind of relate to based on what she wrote.

Julie, it would make my day if you would see what I had to say about you. I said lots of good stuff that you're really going to like. And of course the title of my blog refers to you because I can't think of another Julie I know personally or met briefly.

I would really appreciate this if you read my blog.


  1. A little something for Cary...

    Don't feel bad if Julie Powell doesn't read your blog. The internet is a very big place where billions of people go to millions of websites every single day. It is unreasonable to expect an individual person you have never met personally to read your blog, especially one who has a growing profile. Julie Powell probably gets tens of thousands of emails a day from her fans and if you leave one comment on her blog, she won't notice you.

    Also, your latest few entries haven't been about what your blog is about. For the last month you have been bemoaning the notion that no one is reading. Do yourself the favor of staying on track with your idea but at the same time you need to promote yourself.

    The good thing about the huge size of the internet is that it is easy to network and get your name out there. You need to work harder to increase your footprint on the internet. You have a blog, a Facebook page, and a Twitter account. You need to join different forums and let people know about your blog and get their opinions on it.

    Keep at it, and don't get discouraged.

  2. Cary,

    Calvin said it right. The internet is a big, big damn place. Bigger than big. Bigger than anything I think and one blog is hard to find without publicity, without a gripping hook, without information that I the reader want to hear.

    You're blog is personal, extremely personal because it's about your passions. It's going to be a place you can come back to and see what you've thought and done and felt for years to come...but like Calvin said, keep your focus. This post is a crack in your armor, patch it and keep writing.

    I have two blogs, Calvin can attest I rarely update one of them and the other is now on my school's servers. I'm not sure who reads it, or if anyone does, but I write it constantly. Weekly at least.

    And if Julie does read this, make sure you show her your best side. Don't fight for readers here on the page, fight for them with Feedburner, with blog listings, with message boards or public search engines.

    Keep. Writing.
    Nothing can stop you.

  3. I'll bet the internet is SO BIG that 100 people couldn't even lift it up. But maybe a good plan would be to get 98 friends together (you could be the 99th person) and then you could call Julie up and say "I'm trying to test this theory of 100 people picking up the internet, but we're short one person." Then maybe she'll come help. Then have all your friends show up a few minutes early and form a circle around the internet leaving the empty spot next to you. That way when Julie shows up and asks where to stand...well, theres a spot right next to you for her. Then while everybody is working together you can say, "By the way Julie, I wrote a blog about you. You should totally check it out."
