Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It wasn't just a dream.

When I submitted my pictures to the art show, I had painted them on a Tuesday night. Then I submitted them on Wednesday, and the show was on a Friday.

That Tuesday night, I had a dream.

But before I get to that, you'd have to know what happened Friday night. We had a thing at the show where we did a People's Choice Awards thing that night. And it wasn't in any connection with the actual award show on TV last week. But at Friday's show, people vote for their favorite piece and it wins.

So Tuesday I had a dream where I was at Friday's "Big and Small Show". (Also called "No Middle Ground".) And at the reception, Julie Powell came in herself. It wasn't like the other dream I had where I was having lunch with Julie because that was still Amy Adams AS Julie. In this is was actually her. She saw the piece I did called "Thank You, Julie Powell." and voted for it and it won.

And I know it couldn't have actually happened whereas two days later, she would actually be there. But it felt real. I kept going to the wall where it was hanging and looking at it just thinking to myself "I wonder what Julie would say if she saw this." and also "Julie would really love this.".

I still have to get some sort of picture of it and post it, but I don't have one right now.

And to explain what the title means is that Julie was there that Friday night, but in my heart. I would say spiritually, but Julie is very much alive obviously.

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